Chakra Healing & Reiki: Experience the powerful combination of chakra healing and Reiki energy. Restore harmony, release blockages, and activate your energy centers for total mind-body-soul alignment.
Aura Cleansing: Refresh and restore your energetic field with an aura cleansing. Clear away negativity and align your energy for greater clarity, calm, and vitality.
Reiki Healing: Experience deep relaxation and healing through Reiki energy. Clear blockages, relieve stress, and boost your natural energy flow.
Crystal Healing: Harness the power of crystals to balance your energy, release negative vibes, and amplify positivity for a renewed sense of self.
Angel Healing with Crystals: Feel guided and protected with angelic energy combined with crystals to bring peace, healing, and spiritual connection.
Energy Cord Cutting: Free yourself from toxic attachments and reclaim your energy with cord cutting. Perfect for moving forward and starting fresh.
Aura Protection: Strengthen your energetic shield and protect your aura from external negativity. Stay balanced and resilient.
Entity Attachment Removal: Clear your energy field of unwanted influences. Release burdens and regain your energetic sovereignty.
Complete Healing Session: This all-inclusive healing combines energy reading, chakra activation, aura detox, crystal therapy, and Reiki. Remove blockages, restore balance, and experience deep calmness, peace, and harmony. (Available in person or remotely.)
Don't worry, we can help!
Energy vampires, also known as psychic vampires, are emotionally draining individuals who take time and energy from those around them. They're usually highly self-interested people who lack empathy. The relationships they form are largely self serving. I call these "draining people" energy vampires. They do more than drain your physical energy. The worst ones can make you believe you're unworthy and unlovable.
Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, loving people who make us feel safe and secure. It's equally important to pinpoint the emotional vampires, who, whether they intend to or not, suck our energy.
At first glance, energy vampires can seem highly attractive. They often are good-looking, bold, flamboyant or intelligent, and may appear to have a high opinion of you as indicated by their flattering attention. Drawing you into their inner circle may seem just the boost you need.
However, be aware that they are “grooming” you — setting you up to exploit you in whichever way best suits their purposes later. What seems quite innocent at first, such as finding a good friend, may lead you to compromise your ethics, morals and values against your will — maybe even breaking the law in due course. And because energy vampires are masters at avoiding responsibility, you could be the one who takes the blame when things go wrong.
To protect yourself, it's imperative to name and combat these energy vampires. They're everywhere: coworkers, neighbors, family, and friends. In Energy Healing I've treated a revolving door of people who've been hit hard by drainers--truly a mental health epidemic that conventional medicine doesn't see! I'm shocked by how many of these "emotionally walking wounded" (ordinarily perceptive, intelligent individuals) have become resigned to anxiety or depression. Emotional draining is a touchy subject. We don't know how to tactfully address our needs without alienating others. The result: We get tongue-tied, or destructively passive. We ignore the SOS from our gut that screams, "Beware!" Or, shaking in our boots, we're so afraid of of appearing "aggressive" that we become martyrs in lieu of being respectfully assertive. We don't speak out because we don't want to be seen as "difficult" or uncaring.
Vampires do more than drain our physical energy. The super-malignant ones can make you believe you're an unworthy, unlovable person who doesn't deserve better. The subtler species inflict damage that's more of a slow burn. Smaller digs here and there can make you feel bad about yourself such as, I see that you've gained few pounds." In a flash, they've zapped you by prodding areas of shaky self-worth.
This is my take on energy vampires: Their behavior are unacceptable; you must develop a successful plan for coping with them. I deeply believe that taking a stand against draining people is a form of self-care and self love that you must practice to give you freedom.
What turns someone into an energy vampire? First, a psychological reason: children often mimic their parents' most unflattering traits. A self-absorbed mother/father can turn you into a self-absorbed son/daughter. Early modeling has impact. Studies of Holocaust survivors show that many became abusive parents themselves. The second explanation involves subtle energy. I've observed that childhood trauma--mistreatment, loss, parental alcoholism, illness--can weaken a person's energy field (aura). This energy leakage may condition those with such early wounds to draw on the vitality of others to compensate; it's not something most are aware of. Nevertheless, the effects can be extreme. Visualize an octopus-like tendril extending from their energy field and onto yours. Your intuition may register this as sadness, anger, fatigue, or anxiety. The degree of mood change or physical reaction may vary. A vampire's effects can stun like a sonic blast or make you slowly wilt. But it's the rare drainer that sets out to purposely enervate you. The majority act unconsciously, oblivious to being an emotional drain.
Let me tell you the secret of how a vampire operates so you can outsmart one. A vampire goes in for the kill by stirring up your emotions. Pushing your buttons throws you off center, which renders you easier to drain. Of all the emotional types, empaths are often the most devastated. However, certain emotional states increase everyone's vulnerability. I myself am most susceptible to emotional vampires when I feel desperate, exhausted, or dis-empowered.
Here are some others:
Low self-esteem
A victim mentality
Fear of asserting yourself
Addiction to people-pleasing
When encountering energy vampires, see what you can learn too. It's your choice. You can simply feel tortured, resentful, and impotent. Or, as I try to do, ask yourself, "How can this interchange help me grow?" Every second of life, good, bad, or indifferent, is a chance to become emotionally freer and stronger.
Exercise 1: Determine If You Have an Energy Vampire in Your Life
Anyone who has ever shared an office, carpool, or attended a family dinner with a vampire can attest to experiencing some common emotional side effects. Even after a brief contact, you feel worse; they feel better. To find out if you've been bled, watch for these signs.
You feel put down or like the rug was pulled out from under you
Your mood takes a nosedive
You have a desire to binge on comfort food
You feel sniped at or agitated
Have intuitive flashes or dreams
In addition, sometimes intuitive flashes and dreams can raise a red flag. Pay attention. Whether you're awake or asleep, notice telling imagery that conveys emotion. This will help you identify a vampire.
Take an inventory of the people in your life who are potential drainers. List all your key family members, friends and co-workers in the left hand column and check off if any of them have an adverse affect on you when in their company or on the phone. Experiencing even one of these effects indicates that person is a drain on the prowl. By doing this you become aware of who vibrates positive vibes and who doesn't.
Need Professional Help? Distant Healing, Remote Sessions Available
As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, distant energy healing becomes possible. Distant healing is especially useful when there are physical or geographic limitations. Distant / Remote healing is calming and promotes the release of stress. They can also be revitalizing and help speed up recovery times for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.
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